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What is Cellulite? How Does It Pass?

Cellulite on the skin's surface occurs when fat pockets are pushed towards the connective tissue, resulting in irregular and dense accumulation of fat beneath the skin. Slow blood circulation in cellulite-prone areas can lead to negative health implications. Cellulite is commonly observed in areas such as the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and arms, starting from below the chest. The appearance of cellulite, resembling orange peel on the skin's surface, is a nightmare for anyone who desires beauty and a well-groomed appearance. In the process of cellulite treatment, various natural and surgical interventions are available. Those seeking quick results can opt for localized aesthetic procedures.

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite refers to the irregular and intense accumulation of fat beneath the skin's surface, caused by the pushing of fats towards the connective tissue, resulting in a texture resembling orange peel on the skin. This tissue is formed by the combination of enlarged fat cells accumulating beneath the skin and fibrous bands called septa extending vertically to the skin's surface. Cellulite affects the skin and subcutaneous fat tissue in the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen, causing the formation of uneven textures, hence it can be described as a regional metabolic disorder. Enlarged fat cells create small bulges, while tight septa compress fat tissue, resulting in dimples.

Causes of Cellulite

Cellulite can occur due to various reasons, varying from person to person. In some cases, it can even be observed in individuals who regularly engage in sports. In such situations, the distribution of body fat becomes prominent and can lead to cellulite.

The causes of cellulite generally include:

• Genetic factors
• Hormonal changes. Excessive secretion of estrogen hormone in women.
• Irregular and unbalanced diet.
• Unhealthy lifestyle.
• Frequent weight fluctuations.
• Pregnancy.
• Aging, leading to loss of skin elasticity.
• Certain medications.
• Excess weight.
• Inactivity.
• Prolonged sitting.
• Smoking.
• Accumulated toxins in the body
• Tight clothing

Cellulite Treatment

Cellulite is a skin problem encountered by every woman from time to time. Depending on your situation, you can resort to cellulite treatment interventions. For a definitive solution, you can turn to localized aesthetic methods.

• Laser and Radiofrequency treatments
• Laser-Assisted Liposuction
• Cryolipolysis
• Ultrasound cellulite treatment
• Medications and creams
• CoolSculpting treatment
• Cellfina cellulite treatment
• Acoustic wave therapy
• Vacuum therapy cellulite treatment
• Carboxytherapy cellulite treatment
• Endomology cellulite treatment
• Mesotherapy Cellulite Treatment

Cellulite Treatment Methods

Depending on your situation, such as the percentage of cellulite in your body or its regional intensity, you can decide on cellulite treatment. Cellulite treatment methods may vary, including herbal, medication-cream, surgical applications, and localized aesthetic methods.

Laser and Radiofrequency Systems:
For achieving definitive results, this method has the most promising success rate. This cellulite treatment involves three different systems. Different treatment durations are applied at each stage, resulting in visible changes on the skin's surface. The duration of permanence is six months.

• The first system includes tissue massage, radiofrequency technology, and infrared light combination.
• The second system involves the combination of diode laser energy and tissue massage.
• The third system applies radiofrequency at deep and superficial levels simultaneously.

For Cellulite Treatment, you can immediately book your appointment by phone from Uzm. Dr. Hande Ulusal Clinic, you can reach the contact information here.